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ChannelReply lets you do way more than answer ecommerce messages in Re:amaze. Once you’ve set up your Re:amaze integration with ChannelReply, you can save tons of time on replies by using custom fields as dynamic variables. The video below shows just one of the ways this helps:
Note: Click on any image to view it at full resolution.
Custom fields are little snippets of data that ChannelReply pulls in with your marketplace messages. They can include things like the buyer’s name, their shipping address, and the title of the item they ordered. You can find the full list of options in our custom fields FAQ.
In Re:amaze, you can turn ChannelReply custom fields into dynamic variables.
Dynamic variables are placeholders you can use in workflows and response templates. They’re small bits of code that transform into the data from your ChannelReply custom fields.
For example, you could enter this in a Re:amaze response template:
Thank you for contacting us about {{ fields["Item Title"] }}!
If you used it on an Amazon ticket about an item called Green Widget, it would change to this:
Thank you for contacting us about Green Widget!
You can also use this in your workflows. For example, you could set up a workflow that assigns all tickets about your Green Widget listing to an agent who specializes in that item.
In ChannelReply, go to Helpdesk Settings and click "Custom Fields."
To instantly set up all custom fields, click “Generate Custom Fields in One Click.”
Alternatively, you can set up only the custom fields you need. Simply type in a title for any field you would like. Then, click outside the box or hit “Enter” or “Return” on your keyboard to save it.
Repeat with any other custom fields you would like to have.
The titles entered on this page will be used as the “field name” or “attribute” in Re:amaze. In either of the examples above, “Item Title” would be the attribute for the Item Title custom field.
Wait for a new ChannelReply ticket to arrive. Once you receive one, the list of custom fields will appear below the customer's message.
As you can see above, each custom field will be displayed as "Attribute: Data" e.g. "Order Status: Shipped."
To use a custom field in Re:amaze response templates and auto-replies, you need to turn it into a variable. Use the following format:
{{ fields["ATTRIBUTE"] }}
So, for example, say you wanted to use the Item Title custom field we discussed earlier. You would copy the attribute Item Title and paste it over ATTRIBUTE. The result would be this variable:
You could then enter this just about anywhere you want to use item title data in Re:amaze.
Enter your variable anywhere in the Response field of a Re:amaze response template.
Anytime you use that response template, the variable will change into the custom field’s data.
Say you entered this in your template:
"Thank you for purchasing {{ fields["Item Title"] }}!"
When you used the template on a ticket about Red Widget Size 25, that line would change to the following:
"Thank you for purchasing Red Widget Size 25!"
Some custom fields may not always populate, especially on merchant-fulfilled Amazon tickets. In particular, an Amazon buyer’s name, the first line of their address, and their phone number may all be withheld due to Amazon’s privacy restrictions.
It’s frustrating to enter a response template and have a bunch of details turn up blank. To avoid this problem, you can create fallbacks for situations where certain fields are blank. Use the following template:
{% if fields["ATTRIBUTE"] %}
Enter the message you want to use if the variable can be filled in.
{% else %}
Enter an alternative version of the text that does not include the variable.
{% endif %}
Here’s an example using the Shipping Address custom field, which has the attribute Shipping Address.
{% if fields["Shipping Address"] %}
Your order is on the way to {{ fields["Shipping Address"] }}!
{% else %}
Your order is on the way!
{% endif %}
If we used this response template on a ticket where ChannelReply had provided the shipping address, we’d see something like this:
Your order is on the way to Sherlock Holmes, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, London, United Kingdom!
And if no data were available in the shipping address field, we would see this instead:
Your order is on the way!
You can use custom fields as "Custom Form Field" workflow conditions. Simply choose "Custom Form Field" as a condition. Then type in the field's attribute (e.g. Item Title or Shipping Address).
The rest works just like building a normal Re:amaze workflow, as described here.
This is great for sorting out urgent tickets, assigning tickets to specific agents based on expertise, and a whole lot more.
Example: You could assign all tickets with "Red Widget" in the title to Alicia, your specialist in the Red Widget product line. If you had set your Item Title attribute to Item Title, as in the example above, you could use the following workflow:
When a ticket comes in where...
Custom Form Field | Item Title | contains | Red Widget
Assign Conversation To | Alicia
You can use custom fields in the conditions for Re:amaze ecommerce autoresponders. All you have to do is follow the instructions for workflows.
You can also use custom fields to personalize the text of your auto-replies. Simply follow the same steps as for response templates.
Normally, ChannelReply data is not searchable in Re:amaze. This is true for data in the app and in custom fields.
"DUPLICATE TO MESSAGE BODY" copies custom field data into the buyer's first message in each new ticket. That way, you can find your data in search. It does cause tickets to get a bit cluttered, though, so we only recommend using it for fields you really need to find in search.
To enable this feature, simply click on the "DUPLICATE TO MESSAGE BODY" slider. When it's green, it's enabled.
You can disable it anytime by clicking on the slider again. This won't remove any data from existing tickets, but it will stop the field from being duplicated into new tickets.
Custom fields are a bit complicated, so don’t hesitate to reach out for support! Contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.