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Re:amaze Integration Now Available

Published on May. 25, 2020

Last updated on Feb. 17, 2023
4 min read
  • Seven Marketplaces, One Helpdesk
  • Stop Flipping Tabs
  • Do More than Send Messages
  • Answer Faster
  • Reply in Your Sleep
  • Advanced Mobile Support
  • Set Up Fast & Grow Like Magic

Get reamazed by your favorite help desk! ChannelReply now provides Walmart, Shopify, Newegg, Back Market, Etsy, eBay and Amazon integration with Re:amaze. It’s multichannel support without multi-screen madness.

Seven Marketplaces, One Helpdesk

Re:amaze already supports a huge variety of channels. Mobile, social, email, live chat, they’ve already built it all. ChannelReply fits in as the last piece of the puzzle: marketplace support.

An eBay Message in Re:amaze

An eBay ticket in Re:amaze.

Use ChannelReply to:

  • Answer Amazon, eBay, Back Market, Newegg, Shopify and Walmart messages in Re:amaze.
  • Reply to Etsy customers by email, or hit "Reply on Etsy" to jump into the same conversation on Etsy.
  • See each conversation as a single threaded ticket—no more searching archives for the buyer’s last message!
  • Use marketplace data in all your favorite Re:amaze tools, including response templates and workflows.
  • Take actions on your marketplace accounts without leaving Re:amaze.

Start your free trial of ChannelReply and see for yourself! With the help of our step-by-step setup walkthrough, you’ll be supporting all your marketplace accounts from Re:amaze in no time.

Stop Flipping Tabs

Re:amaze Integration with eBay, Walmart, Amazon, Shopify, Back Market, Newegg and Etsy

When you open an Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Back Market, Newegg, Shopify or Walmart ticket, ChannelReply will show tons of data next to the message. Who the buyer is, what they ordered, their shipping details, and all kinds of other info will show up on the same screen as the message.

An Amazon Message in Re:amaze

An Amazon ticket in Re:amaze. ChannelReply’s buyer and order data is shown on the right.

No need to log in to your marketplace accounts and find out what the buyer ordered. No need to dig through old messages and order records. The whole conversation and all the related data will appear on one simple screen. 

Do More than Send Messages

Magician Charlie Getting a Five-Star Review for his Amazing Magic

ChannelReply isn’t just a message delivery system. It transforms help desks into marketplace command centers. Thanks to the incredible Re:amaze API, you can use all the most advanced ChannelReply features.

  • Manage eBay Resolution Center Support cases, cancellation requests, Best Offers and more.
  • Request Amazon reviews or mark Amazon messages as "No response needed."
  • Handle Shopify cancellations and refunds, plus info changes like shipping address updates.
  • Acknowledge or cancel orders, update shipping statuses, and refund returns on Walmart tickets.
  • Validate orders, update shipping info, cancel orders, and issue refunds for Back Market.
  • Upload shipping details, cancel orders, or remove items from orders for Newegg.
  • Complete Etsy orders by entering the tracking ID and carrier name from Re:amaze.

Cancelling a Walmart Order with ChannelReply in the Re:amaze Mobile App

Above: Three screenshots of processing a Walmart cancellation with ChannelReply on the Re:amaze iOS mobile app. From left to right: Viewing the notification, viewing the cancellation action, and choosing the reason for canceling.

Ready to get started? Try ChannelReply for free.

Answer Faster

The Re:amaze team is so awesome that they created a dynamic variable just to work with ChannelReply’s custom fields!

What the heck does that mean? It means almost every piece of order data can be used to make your life easier.

Answering an Etsy Message with a Re:amaze Response Template and ChannelReply Custom Fields

Above: Three screenshots of an Etsy ticket in Re:amaze's mobile app. From left to right: ChannelReply custom fields, a response template using them, and the result of entering the template.

Say you get the same question ten times a day. You build a response template so you don’t have to type in the same answer every time. Still, you have to personalize it by writing in what the customer ordered, whether the item has shipped, which shipping address it’s going to, etc. Tedious, right?

With Re:amaze and ChannelReply, variables can fill in this info for you. One click enters a completely personalized reply. No more typing in details!

This is an older video, so it only mentions our Amazon, eBay and Walmart integrations. However, these features work for Etsy, Shopify, Back Market and Newegg as well!

Ready to try it yourself? Learn how to set up custom fields for Re:amaze.

Variables can also be used in Re:amaze workflows, creating unbelievable freedom for advanced users. They also make it easier to...

Reply in Your Sleep

An Owl Delivering Messages while Charlie Sleeps

Send auto-replies to customers on all seven marketplaces with our ecommerce autoresponder for Re:amaze. You can even use ChannelReply variables in your auto-replies! That means they can be just as personalized as human responses.

Re:amaze Auto-Reply with Custom Fields

Above: An auto-reply that uses a ChannelReply custom field. It will automatically show the name of the item the customer ordered.

This system can count toward Amazon's and Newegg's 24-hour response time SLAs. It also marks eBay messages as read and answered. At last, you can take a little hard-earned time off without stressing about your marketplace metrics.

You can also upgrade your Amazon integration with CR Feedback. This eBay & Amazon feedback request tool lets you automate your feedback requests for some of the lowest prices in the industry! You can try it free even if you don't have ChannelReply.

CR Feedback Graphic (Charlie Throwing a Paper Airplane That Comes Back as a Five-Star Review)

Advanced Mobile Support

Re:amaze offers the best mobile interface we’ve seen. Not only does it allow you to answer messages from Amazon, eBay, Walmart etc. on your phone, it also has a powerful app-within-an-app feature. That means you can view and use the ChannelReply app inside the Re:amaze mobile app for iOS or Android!

This video shows an older version of the ChannelReply app, but all features mentioned in this video are still available (plus a lot more!).

It works just as well on your mobile browser, so if you don't want to download an app, no sweat.

Re:amaze is currently the only help desk that supports all ChannelReply features on mobile. You can view detailed customer info, approve eBay returns, mark Amazon messages as "No response needed"—everything. 

Now think bigger. You can use auto-replies to answer the most common questions. Then you can use auto-personalized response templates to answer most of the others. With a few taps and swipes on your phone, you can clear all your ecommerce support and get back to what you really want to do.

For sellers who work on the go, Re:amaze is unbeatable.

Set Up Fast & Grow Like Magic

Charlie Magically Growing an Orange Tree in His Magician's Hat

Re:amaze is a fantastic help desk for Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Back Market, Newegg, Shopify and Walmart sellers. It does way more than put all your messages on one screen.

Re:amaze's auto-replies and remarkable mobile features let you escape your desk and work when and where you want. And when you are stuck at the office, you’ll clear tickets in no time with marketplace-compatible response templates and workflows. That means less time on support and more time focused on growing your business.

Say hello to ecommerce support without the stress. Try Re:amaze and start your free trial of ChannelReply today!