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Remove Specific Text from Replies Instructions

Published on Jul. 31, 2020 |
Last updated on Nov. 02, 2021

Amazon forbids you from including links in replies. eBay has rules against including links or contact info. This can be a huge problem if you have links and contact info in your signature—and who doesn’t? Remove Specific Text from Replies makes it easy to follow the rules without throwing away your signature.

This tool is available for all supported helpdesks and works the same way for all ChannelReply users.

Click on any image to view it at full resolution.

How Does Remove Specific Text from Replies Work?

  1. You enter any specific text that you want excluded from your replies to Amazon, eBay, Shopify or Walmart customers.
  2. ChannelReply scans each reply sent through our system and removes the text you specified.
  3. Your reply is delivered to the customer with only the unwanted text deleted, and all other text remains the same.

Replies to non-ChannelReply tickets (regular email, social media, etc.) are not affected.


Sign in to ChannelReply. Then click “CRM Settings” on your dashboard or in your left-hand sidebar.

CRM Settings


Where to Find Remove Specific Text from Replies in ChannelReply


Add New Setting Button

Enter the exact text you want removed in the “Unwanted Text” box. You can include line breaks, but be very careful to match the text exactly as it appears in your messages. Our system will ignore extra spaces before or after your text, but just about anything else can prevent it from working.

If you are entering a section of your signature, you should copy it and paste it into the box rather than trying to retype it from memory.

Removing a Business Address from Replies to eBay, Amazon and Walmart Messages

Once you are finished, click “SAVE SETTING.”

Save Setting Button

Removing Multiple Blocks of Text

If you need to remove more than one block of text, be sure to put each block in its own “Unwanted Text” box. For example, say you had this signature in your helpdesk:


Best regards,


Fake Company

101 Fake Street

New York, New York, 00000

Bringing the best of imaginary products to our imaginary customers!



In this example, you want to remove the address and the URL, but not the name of your company or the “Bringing the best…” line. The solution would be to create two separate “Unwanted Text” settings. The first would be:


101 Fake Street

New York, New York, 00000


The second would be:



How to Remove Links from Replies to Amazon, eBay and Walmart Messages

This would make sure that your customer would only see the following lines:


Best regards,


Fake Company


Bringing the best of imaginary products to our imaginary customers!


Entering both the address and the URL in one “Unwanted Text” box, like below, would not work:


101 Fake Street

New York, New York, 00000



Because the signature has the line “Bringing the best…” in between the address and the URL, this is not an exact match. The text remover would therefore do nothing to the signature. This is why it’s critical to put separate blocks of text into different “Unwanted Text” boxes.

Can I Test My Message and See How It Will Look?

You can indeed! Just enter your signature or a full test message in the "TEST UNWANTED TEXT" block. Then click "TEST TEXT."

Test Text Button

The result will then be displayed in the box below the "TEST TEXT" button. This is the text as your customer will see it.

Text Remover Test

Does It Work on Parts Other than the Signature?

Absolutely! Say your agents have a bad habit of linking to your website in their messages. You could enter only your website address in one “Unwanted Text” box. ChannelReply will then remove it from any of your agents’ replies. You could also get creative with blocking specific words or phrases that could cause trouble in marketplace messages.


We’re always happy to help! Contact us and one of our agents will answer as soon as possible.

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